Pedestrian Accident Happened – What is Your Next Step?

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Pedestrian accidents, unfortunately, occur way too frequently throughout not only Virginia, but the United States. Make sure to cross at crosswalks and even if you have the right of way, LOOK before crossing!

Here, at Hickman Law Office we want to provide helpful information should you be hit by a car in Virginia. The following steps are what you should consider should you be involved in one.

The first thing we would encourage you to do is to get to safety. Above all things, protect your health and make sure you are safe. Should you be struck by vehicle, make sure you are out of the road and the flow of traffic. If you need medical assistance, seek it out immediately.

Our second advice would to be, call 911. No matter how minor you think your injuries might be, contact your local police. We would advise that an official police report should be filed. Please make sure that you make a statement to the police, so your side of the story is documented.

The third item to remember is to exchange information with the driver. Make sure to get enough information to identify the driver and his or her vehicle. Try to obtain the driver’s:

  • Name;
  • Phone number;
  • Address;
  • Driver’s license number;
  • License plate number;
  • Vehicle make and model.

If there is a witness, make sure to get his contact information as well.

Most everyone has a cell phone, so take photographs. You can never have too many photographs from the scene. If you don’t have a cell phone or can’t find yours, make sure to ask someone to take pictures.

Make sure to download Hickman Law Office Accident for FREE from Appstore.

Finally, contact Hickman Law Office. If you have suffered serious injuries, you should contact an experienced attorney to review your case.

Call us if you are in trouble: (703) 748-3001.

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