When you get in an accident, many hardships can arise including car damages, bodily damages, missed work, pain and suffering, etc. The last thing you want to worry about is hiring a personal [...]
Need a personal injury attorney? We’ve got you covered. Our winning track record, attention to detail, and expert communication will leave you at ease while we handle your personal injury [...]
Spring is here! The weather is nice and the cops are out! Speeding down the curvy backroads with the top down seems to be on everyone’s “to-do” list once spring arrives. Remember: you’re not the [...]
As a woman and business owner, I am grateful that there is recognition for all that women do and contribute. What I don’t understand is why I am hearing of public school’s closing to honor this [...]
VA Lawyers Weekly just reported that a man died due to a mistake on chemo medication instructions prescribed by his doctor. “One drug, Lomustine, is extremely toxic and was to be taken one [...]
A lawsuit was filed against the commissioner of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles stating in part that the poor cannot afford to pay court costs that led to their license being [...]