Have you been in an accident that involves a Truck and Car that caused your personal injuries? Did you make claims for your injuries? This article will show you how to protect your rights after [...]
Criminal cases are heard by an impartial jury that are supposed to keep an open mind on the innocence or guilt of the person accused until all evidence has been presented in court. In the court [...]
People involved in car accidents often experience whiplash. Neck pain and migraines are among the usual symptoms of whiplash personal injuries. A personal injury attorney in Alexandria, VA at [...]
The head prosecutor in Norfolk is at war with the judges in his district. Greg Allen is the Commonwealth Attorney for the City of Norfolk and has a strict policy of dismissing misdemeanor [...]
Spring is here! The weather is nice and the cops are out! Speeding down the curvy backroads with the top down seems to be on everyone’s “to-do” list once spring arrives. Remember: you’re not the [...]
A car accident is something that no one likes to think about happening to them. However, there are roughly 10 million car accidents in the United States every year, so it is important to know [...]